by Guest Blogger

November 25th, we finished our year-long study of 1 Corinthians.  Because we studied Ch 15 over Easter, we skipped it now.  However, I wrote a spoken word piece paraphrasing the chapter.  We had three actors read it at the top of our service to provide continuity in our study and to lead us into Holy Communion.

Here is my attempt to give a new voice to 1 Corinthians 15:12-28.


If some say Christ rose, how can you say, "no"?

If he didn't rise, then Christ is still brought low.

If he didn't rise, it doesn't matter what we believe or say.

Even more, we are liars, for we preach, "Jesus, The Way".

If he didn't rise, the dead will stay dead.

If he didn't rise, Christ lies on his tomb's bed.

And if he didn't rise, your faith is empty, you're full of sin,

And those who have already been...

...are lost.

If only for now we hope in Christ, we're pathetic...

...and we too are lost.


Christ has risen, he is the first who, in death, sleep.

For since a man damned us, a man will also raise us.

For since Adam killed us, so our Christ must

give us life, but him first then you and me.

And in the end, with all power and authority,

defeating all dominions with his final breath,

He hands the Father a kingdom, defeating even death.

Then the Father, who put everything under the Son,

will have His will done.

And the Son, will put everything under the Father

so we will see God is our history's author.

Praise our God, three-in-one.

All glory to Christ, the Risen one.

Posted in: General, Worship Arts Ministry

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