Newsletters - Don’t Miss Out!

by eccoffice

When you stop to think about it: how do you connect with organizations you belong to or care about?  Do you visit their website?  Interact with their social feeds?  Maybe you get their emails.

Maybe you get SO. MANY. EMAILS.  Why would you sign up for more?

At Emmanuel, the staff uses newsletters to target information directly to groups of people.  You won't get what you aren't interested in.  There is one email in particular that if you are interested in staying in-the-loop, there is one you do not want to miss out on.

The eNote.

The eNote is a weekly communication sent out from Pastor Denny where you'll get some essential things.

  1. Announcements.  Pastor Denny uses the eNote to pass on important information (i.e., big announcements, time-sensitive info, etc.).
  2. Direction.  See where we're going with the teaching for the weekend.  

  3. Scripture.  Pastor Denny includes the passage(s) of scripture he'll be teaching about for the weekend.  It's so helpful to make reading these before attending service part of your weekly routine.

Short and sweet.  It's a 5-minute read that can make a big difference in your feelings of connectivity to what's going on at Emmanuel.  To get signed up, click the button below.  You can see all the specific ministry areas that offer newsletters and sign up for them too.  


Posted in: General

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