by eccoffice

Going through tough seasons like the one we have been enduring through COVID-19 can teach us valuable lessons for life.

Throughout this blog series, we’ve explored some tips for pursuing spiritual health. In the previous articles we learned:

  1. Go to God because of His power and love
  2. Control what you consume
  3. Create good routines 
  4. Approach everything as worship 

And today I want to end with one final tip.  You’ll notice that part of this post circles back to our first post, which I hope serves as an important reminder. But it also adds another component - community.

Tip #5: Reach Out

I know COVID has made everything difficult for all of us.

Church attendance, work structure, classes, friendships, quarantines, activities, and social connections with others... Everything has been interrupted, and maybe you're feeling some of the negative emotions that accompany that reality.

Today I want to encourage you to do one very important thing each day. That is Reach Out.

Psalm 16:2-3 says:

I said to the Lord, “You are my Lord, Every good thing I have comes from you. As for the godly people in the world, they are the wonderful ones I enjoy. (Psalm 16:2-3 New Century Version)

From this Scripture, we see two important ways to reach out.

1. Reach out to God: 

I want to encourage you that God is with you. He sees you, loves you, and carries you through the times of disappointment and discouragement. Lean into His presence right now. Let Him lift and lead you! This may be a season where He desires to take you deeper in your faith. For example, this may be a time where God might grow you in your prayer life and engagement with His Word. Remember His promise: “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” (Hebrews 13:5) For more encouragement along these lines, check out the following verses of Scripture: (Joshua 1:9, Jeremiah 29:13, Psalm 55:22, Psalm 121:1-2).

2. Reach out to friends: 

A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity. (Proverbs 17:17)

I know that Zoom and video chats get really old, but let's also recognize the blessing of technology that gives us the opportunity to connect with people in ways unprecedented in years past. It can be really tempting to blow a bunch of time scrolling through social media or binge-watching shows on Netflix, but that time is often better spent making a phone call or shooting a text to a friend. When you're doing well, take time to text some encouragement to others (1 Thessalonians 5:11). When you're feeling down, don't go through it alone. Reach out to someone with a phone call or shoot a text asking for prayer. And know that you can always reach out to us here at Emmanuel if you need a pastor to pray for you.

So, reach out today. Reach out to God. He is with you, loves you, and provides the strength you need each day. And reach out to friends: to encourage them and to be encouraged by them.


Who, in your life tends to be a source of encouragement? How might you connect with them on a regular basis?

Who, in your life might need encouragement today? How can you provide a bit of encouragement for them?


Lord, right now I choose to reach out to you. You are Emmanuel, God with us. You are here, you are powerful, and you care for me deeply. I praise you for being such an awesome God! 

I choose to cast all my cares upon you today. Here are some of the “cares” that are weighing on my heart and mind right now (pause to place all your concerns in the Lord’s hands) _____________________. 

Lord, I also pray for my friends. Carry and encourage the following people right now (lift up the names of any friends the Lord brings to mind) ___________________________.

Show me who to reach out to today. Thank you for reminding me that I don’t go through hard times alone!

Encourage me each moment as I walk with you, and use me to point other people to you.

In Jesus’ name,


Pastor Mark Vincenti

Posted in: General, Prayer

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