Spring 2022 - Ministry Highlights

by eccoffice

While the weather this spring was like a roller coaster and summer seemed like it would never get here, time still flew by for our ministry teams who were busy planning, hosting, and participating in all sorts of events.  Below are a few highlights of several events that happened at ECC this spring.

We can not highlight Spring Events at ECC without first mentioning our AMAZING Holy Week services.  Pastor Denny and the Worship Team fed our hearts, minds, and souls with powerful messages, beautiful worship songs, spoken word videos, and daily prayer devotionals

Click the images below to see the highlights!

On April 9th, families gathered in the Family Life Center for food, fun, and fellowship as we hosted the first-ever A.B.L.E. Family Picnic! This was an opportunity for A.B.L.E. families to spend time together as a community.  Click HERE to see upcoming A.B.L.E. events.

For questions about our A.B.L.E. Ministry program, contact Karena Schroeder at kschroeder@eccfw.org.

On April 10th, Palm Sunday, we celebrated with 16 families, our Baby Dedication celebration. Among these families, we dedicated 20 children to the Lord. It was a wonderful celebration to come alongside families, friends, and members of our church body to celebrate. We ended our celebration with cupcakes and punch. We will host another dedication soon, so keep a lookout for the next date to sign up.

This group of individuals wrapped up their 10-month Colson Fellows journey this month (not pictured: Kristen Rupp).  The Colson Fellows program is designed to help you understand and identify worldviews, teach you how to analyze and understand culture and its influences, and examine current cultural flashpoints.  

Registration is currently closed, but expect announcements for 2023-2024 in February/March of 2023. Click the picture to learn more.

Colson Fellows

On April 22nd, 47 High School students and leaders went to different fun spots around Fort Wayne from 6 p.m. until Midnight. Stops included Crazy Pins, Combat Ops, and the Ice House.  At the end of the night, Pastor Matt Stemen passed out Life Books that tell the story of Jesus from the gospel of Mark.  He encouraged students to check out the life of Jesus and get connected. Our amazing team of adult leaders made significant connections with students and everyone had a blast! 

To see all the events happening in Student Ministries this summer, click HERE for a copy of their summer calendar!

Exciting News and Updates in our Worship Arts Ministry

  1. Trisha Everett started as our Worship Arts Ministry Assistant!
  2. Jay LeBlanc was named HU Professor of the Year!
  3. Justin Poole started as a Worship Arts Intern!
  4. Worship Arts had a family picnic on June 22nd with 70+ people at The Branch.  We played outdoor games, laughed, ate grilled food, and had a blast together.  Every year, we give the “Hand to the Plow” award to a volunteer who is an example of servant leadership.  This year’s winner was Greg Ping who has served ECC for decades.  When we started Emmanuel Online, Greg volunteered to be trained as a camera tech and is now one of our best.

Our OASIS (Senior Adults 60+) group has been staying busy and connected. From luncheons to group outings, there are several ways to stay active and connected with ECC seniors.  Each month OASIS hosts a Lunch & Learn, where you can participate in a potluck or bring your own food.  There is always a festive theme and oftentimes a speaker, singing, or icebreaker games.  This spring a group went to Indianapolis to Beef and Boards and enjoyed dinner and a show.  Whether you travel with old friends or join us to meet new ones, the trips are always a good time.  To see a list of upcoming events (some specifically for OASIS and others we thought you may enjoy!), click HERE.

On June 1st, Casey Ferrell officially joined us as our Young Adults and Online Pastoral Intern.  Casey grew up going to ECC and most recently spent a few years in Alabama with his wife, McKenna (Fitzharris), as a Youth Pastor at a local church.  Casey and McKenna hosted a Young Adult bonfire on June 10th and look forward to connecting with Young Adults at ECC.  You can also find Casey hosting our online services on the weekend. 

To connect with Casey, email him at cferrell@eccfw.org.  To check out upcoming Young Adult events, click HERE.

VBS this year was Jerusalem's Marketplace, where kids became Tribe members and got to go on a journey “walking” Jesus’ path through Jerusalem that led to the cross and ultimately brought God’s greatest gift of love to completion.

We had: 327 kids a day; over 200 volunteers; $1,800 raised for FCA Missions, 1 power outage, and most importantly 34 hearts given to Jesus.

Thanks to EVERYONE that made this year's VBS an awesome experience for kids and their families!

Pastor Brian Kramer along with 22 middle school students and 5 leaders served with Youthworks in Quad Cities, MN from June 12th-17th. The group assisted a local children's ministry, helped with food distribution programs, and provided behind-the-scenes support to local community outreach programs.  It is a joy to see the connections made between students, leaders, and community members. To see more pictures from their trip, visit the ECC Student Ministries Parent Facebook page.

Middle School Mission Trip

Pastor Matt Stemen along with 20 high school students and 4 leaders served in New York City the week of June 19th. The group started with an awesome training in the morning with International Project. Followed by a prayer walk and scavenger hunt in the community they will be working in. To see more pictures from their trip, visit the ECC Student Ministries Parent Facebook page.

High School Mission Trip

This summer, the Women's Ministry is hosting Walking Groups on Wednesdays from June 8th through August 31st. Each week, the group will meet, walk together, and finish with a short devotional. 

There will be two options for you to join us: mornings from 9:30-11:00am or evenings from 6:30-8:00pm.  Click HERE for details.

This summer, the Men's Ministry is hosting 2 monthly events.  The first is Men's Night Out and the other is a Pancake Breakfast followed by service projects in and around the church.  On June 18th, several men joined together for food, fellowship, and a time of service. Their help was integral in getting the church ready for services after VBS as well as cleaning up after the storms. If you have the heart to serve others and wish to connect with other ECC men, please come join us!  Click HERE to learn more about either event and see upcoming dates.

To see a list of all upcoming events happening at ECC, click HERE.

Spring 2022 Ministry Highlights 

Posted in: General

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