Transforming Prayer Resources

by Erin Stringer

If you attended any of our weekend opportunities to hear from Dr. Daniel Henderson, then you are probably feeling the fire to do something about your prayer life, whether individually or within your small group. Here are two great ways to review the content from this past weekend and begin putting it into practice:


1. Prayer Prompter
Using Psalm 8 as an example, the downloadable PDF (from Dr. Henderson's website walks you through the 4/4 pattern for prayer, giving helpful prompts for each area of focus.

Download Psalm 8 Prayer Prompter


2. Video example 
Also, taken from the 6:4 Fellowship website, this video reiterates much of what Dr. Daniel Henderson taught in the last session of the seminar on Saturday. (Note: it is not a recording of the seminar but rather a webinar from his website).  It includes 8 guiding principles for leading a prayer experience and then walks the viewer through an actual 4/4 pattern prayer exercise. (We recommend fast forwarding to about 12:14, as much of the first part is an introduction to his 6:4 Fellowship ministry.) 

VIDEO: How to lead a life-giving prayer experience


I hope you're ready...because as we learn to pray and seek the Holy Spirit to move in and among us, incredible things will happen.  May we be known as a church that seeks God's face and believes whole-heartedly that the Holy Spirit is our answer to every prayer.

Posted in: General

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