Requesting Stephen Ministry Care

Stephen Ministers at ECC are well-trained, supervised volunteers who provide a high level of care.  Not licensed counselors or pastors, these individuals walk with you when support and encouragement are needed most.  Stephen Ministers are an expression of Christ’s love and care through having an individual listen, support, pray, and help you, as a care receiver, explore feelings and emotions without being judgmental.  Spiritual and emotional support is provided in a confidential manner by keeping your identity and personal information, along with details of conversations held, in complete confidence.

To provide the most effective, Christ-centered support for you, Stephen Ministers participate in an ongoing, structured supervision/support process.  Without breaking confidentiality or identifying the person they are caring for, the Stephen Minister may, as needed, seek consultation from the Stephen Leader Team (which includes Pastor Gary Dilley and Pastor Jennifer Smith) to gain insight on how to provide you with the most effective care possible. If warranted, your Stephen Minister may recommend to you that you consider meeting with a pastor or Christian counselor.

Throughout the Stephen Minister relationship, at the heart of care is a dedication to you and a desire to ensure your safety, confidentiality, and well-being. 

On the form you submit to participate will be a checkbox acknowledging your agreement and understanding of the Stephen Ministry program and referral process.  By checking this box on the application, you agree that you understand what Stephen Ministry is and what it provides as explained in this information, and you agree to receive one-to-one (men with men, women with women), in-person care from a Stephen Minister from Emmanuel Community Church.  You further understand how confidentiality is practiced within Stephen Ministry as explained in this information, and you give permission to your Stephen Minister and the Stephen Leaders to consult on how to provide you with the best and most appropriate care possible.

Stephen Ministry Care Request FORMS


*pRINTABLE stephen ministry CARE REQUEST FORM*  

* If you chose to print your form instead of filling out the electronic version, forms should be completed and returned in a sealed envelope to the church either by mail (12222 US Highway 24 West, Fort Wayne, IN 46814) or drop-off during business hours.